Daily Lectionary | Genesis 2 & John 1:29-end

Genesis 2


Creation week concludes with God resting from his work on the seventh day, a special day God sets apart as a pattern (Ex. 20:4-6). In 2:5-25, the narrative zooms in to the creation of man in the Garden of Eden. The Lord gave Adam commands to “serve” and “guard” the garden, verbs that are later associated with priests in their tabernacle duty. Adam is a priest and the garden is a sanctuary, and as priest of the garden he’s told he may eat of any tree except the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. In this context of serving the garden, the Lord gives Adam a helper fit for him, the woman, who brings delight to Adam. The chapter, then, begins with the creation ordinance of the Sabbath and the creation ordinance of marriage between man and woman.

Study Questions 

  1. How is the Garden of Eden a sanctuary? Consider the command to eat in the Lord’s presence.
  2. In context, why was it not good for Adam to be alone? What might this tell us about the purpose of marriage?

John 1:29-end


Continuing the connections with Genesis 1, this section is marked by three days. John identifies Jesus as the “Lamb of God” twice and testifies that Jesus is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. Andrew is the first disciple who tells his brother Simon (Peter) about Jesus. Jesus then goes to Galilee where he calls Phillip, who then tells Nathanael about Jesus. Jesus' first words in John 1:38 mirror his first words in Luke 2:49 (literally, "Why were you seeking me?"). Seeking, finding, and knowing Jesus are what the Gospels are about.

Study Questions 

  1. How is Jesus identified by John and the first disciples? 
  2. Jesus’ first words in John’s Gospel are “What are you seeking?” and “Come and see.” How are these words an invitation to us?