Our Faith

Mere Christianity

We adopt a “mere Christianity” approach to Christian doctrine, emphasizing first those essential beliefs that have united Christians across the ages. We joyfully affirm the historic Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds and embrace an orthodoxy that demonstrates the truth, beauty, and goodness of Christianity.




Anglicanism is a global and historic Christian communion comprised of over 77 million people, rooted in the ancient beliefs and practices of the church. Anglican congregations vary widely in their style and appearance. Anglicans understand the importance of tradition while recognizing the final authority of God’s word over all matters of faith and practice. Anglicans share a commitment to Bible-centered preaching and teaching, sacramental worship, a life of prayer, and a structure that honors our connections to other Christians around the world and throughout history. To be Anglican is to be part of a global Christian family and to be rooted in mainstream, historic Christianity. With Anglicans around the world, we subscribe to the Jerusalem Declaration.

We are affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America and a mission of Diocese of Christ our Hope.

Our Rhythms

We order our common life together around our Sunday worship and the seasons of the Christian calendar. 


We begin our week with worship on Sundays, gathering around God’s word, common prayer, and Holy Communion.

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The church calendar orders our time around the life of Christ and the life of the church.

+ Advent

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During Advent, we begin the church year recounting Israel’s story of longing for savior even as we embrace our own longings for redemption.

+ Christmas

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At Christmas, we celebrate the Incarnation of the Son the God, born of the Virgin Mary, and receive the joy of the message that God is with us in Christ. The Christmas celebration continues for 12 days and culminations with the Epiphany, which means manifestation, reminding us that Christ has been made known as a light and savior to the world.

+ Epiphany

alt Epiphany

+ Lent

alt Lent
Just like Advent is a season of preparation for Christmas, so Lent is 40 days of journeying with Jesus in the wilderness to the cross, fasting, praying, and practicing repentance. We mark the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, receiving the imposition of Ashes to remember our mortality and need for God’s grace in Christ.

+ Holy Week

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The Great Three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are the high watermark of the church year. We come together to remember the institution of the Lord’s Supper and Jesus’ call to loving service on Thursday. We gather in solemnity and prayer before a simple cross on Good Friday to remember our Lord’s death. And on Saturday night, we move from mourning and darkness to celebration and light when our Lenten fast ends at the Easter Vigil, as when we joyfully celebrate the bodily resurrection of Christ and the “alleluias” of worship return.

+ Easter

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Easter is not just one day, but 50 days of feasting and joy, outstripping the 40 days of fasting and repentance. The bodily resurrection of Christ is the foundation for Christian hope and Christian faith.

+ Pentecost

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After the Ascension of Jesus, he sends the Holy Spirit on his church to continue his word through the church. The Day of Pentecost is another Feast Day, represented by the color red, the fire of the spirit.

+ Ordinary Time

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The Season after Pentecost and the Epiphany, also known as Ordinary Time, is the growing season of the church, represented by green. During this season we focus on the work and mission of the church through Holy Spirit in the world and our everyday lives.