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Our Story

Holy Cross began with prayer and a dream for a new church for Crozet that would be rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ, guided by practices and beliefs of historic Christian faith, and committed to the good of our neighbors. In early 2017, a small group of men and women from the area began gathering in a living room for worship and a shared meal to pursue this vision of a new church.

With growing interest and momentum, we soon outgrew the living room and moved our Sunday service to the Barn at Fidelis Farm.

Adequate space continued to be a complication, but the newly-constructed event space at Pro Re Nata Brewery emerged as the best opportunity for Sunday morning services in Crozet. After three years at Pro Re Nata, Holy Cross moved a mile down the road to Brownsville Elementary so that we can better accommodate our youngest worshipers and save for a building.

Holy Cross welcomes a growing number of families, empty-nesters, newly-marrieds, and singles of all ages and different backgrounds from Crozet and the surrounding area.

OUr vision


A Common Life in the Love of Christ



Our mission is to gather, form, and send out followers of Christ in Crozet and beyond.

Our mission follows the shape of our liturgy. Each Sunday, God gathers us together in worship, forms us through practices centered on word, prayer, and sacrament, and sends us out into the world to serve him in our everyday lives. Just as the risen Lord Jesus is the focal point of Christian worship, so Christ is the center of our mission. 



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Rooted in the Great Tradition
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We are united around beliefs and practices that Christians have held throughout the ages. Thus, we seek to tap into the deep well of the Great Tradition passed down to us, submitting ourselves first to the authority of Scripture while drawing from the wisdom of the Christian past. The story of Scripture, the mystery of the sacraments, and the rhythms of the liturgy root us in a reality beyond ourselves and guide us in our ever-changing world.

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Growing in the Great Commandment
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Jesus summed up the way we should live: we should love well. Specifically, Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-38, ESV). As we seek to grow in this great commandment, we value catechesis (becoming grounded in the Christian way) and spiritual friendship (becoming companions on the Christian way with others) to deepen us in Jesus’s call to love well.

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Participating in the Great Commission
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Jesus sends the church into the world to bear witness to him that others might become his followers. We participate in this call through everyday faithfulness, in word and deed, in our homes, neighborhoods, local communities, and the world.