Dave Petty | You Are the One
This song, written and produced by me, is inspired by three things:
1. John the Baptist's question: "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another? (Luke 7:20)
2. Our liturgical calendar, as we moved from Passion Week through Pentecost.
3. Our Eucharist proclamation: "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again."
The heart of this song is the chorus. We say the words "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again" every Sunday at the Great Thanksgiving. The focus of this song is the fulfillment of all of God's promises: "All the promises of God are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ Jesus" (2 Corinthians 1:20).
In the season of Lent, I love singing the hymn: "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus". "Jesus" in Hebrew is "Yeshua," and "Yeshua" means "God saves". Since baptizing Jesus, John the Baptist apparently had had second thoughts. He sent his disciples to Jesus, just to be sure that Jesus really was the long-expected Messiah. They asked him, "are you the One?" (Luke 7:20). This song begins with Jesus' answer to John. In effect, he is giving his answer to John, to the expectant Jews, and to us all: "Yes! Look at my miracles. Look at my message. I am the One. Look no further!"
The verses and the chorus of this song continue in the movement of our liturgical calendar:
1. The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ in Passion week
2. The Ascension that follows on Ascension Sunday
3. The giving of the Spirit to the Church at Pentecost
4. The missional life of the Church at Ordinary Time (and throughout the year)
5. Finally, and expectantly, the Second Advent, denoting Jesus' return.
I, along with the Church through the ages, love Jesus above all other loves. Every day, every week, every year, we confidently sing "You are the One". And yes, there is no other!
*I want to thank Ellie Wengert, who sang the female vocals.*