Loving our Neighbors through the Coronavirus
Current Needs and Opportunities to Serve
For Charlottesville folks, the school district is requesting volunteers to help distribute bagged breakfast & lunches for kids who depend on them from school: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084ba4af2ca4f85-ccsfood
A lot of blood drives and donations are being canceled, which has created a need for blood donors. Here is a list of upcoming blood drives in the area: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?dt=WB:PL:DR:PM&ed=03%2F29%2F2020&order=DATE&range=10&sd=03%2F16%2F2020&zipSponsor=22932
Submit a need
If you or someone you know has a practical need or are aware of other ways the church can serve during the pandemic, please submit this form.