Daily Lectionary | Genesis 39 & John 21

Genesis 39

The narrative picks back up with Joseph who is now in Egypt. Potiphar, Pharaoh's chief general, bought Joseph from the Ishmaelite band. “The Lord was with Joseph” and he immediately prospered in Potiphar’s house. Potiphar saw that “Yaweh was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands.” How did Potiphar know that it was Yaweh who made him prosper? Perhaps Joseph told him the source of his success. 

Joseph was elevated over Potiphar’s house and given increasing responsibility. Potiphar’s wife found Joseph handsome and invited him to bed. Joseph refuses her and insists he will not sin against God. She kept coming after Joseph “day after day.” 

One day, when Joseph had just refused her again, he left his garment (another coat!) in her hand and fled. Potiphar’s wife accuses him of attempted rape. Tamar held in her hand evidence of Judah’s unrighteousness and Potiphar’s wife holds in her hand evidence of Joseph’s righteousness. 

Joseph was sent to prison for his righteousness. “But the Lord was with Joseph” even in prison and he began to prosper there. In prison, he is elevated and put in charge of the prisoners. 

Reflection Questions

  1. How have Joseph’s coats have gotten him in trouble?

  2. Contrast Joseph and Judah, Tamar and Potiphar’s wife in chapters 38-39.

John 21


Jesus reveals himself for a third time to his disciples by the Sea at Tiberias. The disciples go fishing but caught nothing.

But day begins to break (a clue something is about to happen!). Jesus stands on the shore and tells them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. The catch was so large they couldn’t haul it all in. John tells Peter: “It is the Lord!” Simon jumps in the water and swims to shore. 

Peter had denied Jesus by a charcoal fire. Now Jesus restores him at charcoal fire. And he does this right after a meal. Peter brings 153 fish to Jesus. St. Augustine pointed out that 153 is the triangular number of 17 (17+16+15+14+13+12+11….=153). James B. Jordan notes that the 17 is the important combination of 10 and 7, two numbers representing completeness in Scripture. The sea is associated with Gentiles and land with Jews. Here, the disciples come in from the sea to the land with 153 fish. The 153 could possibly represent the nations of the world whom the church will fish. In Acts 2, there are 17 nations listed. 

Reflection Questions

  1. How does Jesus restore Peter?

  2. What is going on with John and Peter in vv. 20-25?